Activity information

  • Category:
  • Event organizers: Betika & The Countryside retreat

The power of peace - A healing weekend for body, soul and mind

Part of the retreat we held April 12-14.
Beti was the retreat's cold water rafting guide.

    We present to you for the first time the retreat weekend, which will be in collaboration with Betika, the only woman from Macedonia who climbed the Alps and who practices the Wim Hof ​​method of bathing in cold waters. On the weekend of April 12-14, we will socialize with a group and individual program for everyone individually, part of which will be Betica, part of which we will guide you through an approach with animals, more specifically therapeutic riding and socializing with horses and donkeys.



    Schedule a retreat or contact us for any information

    Our Address

    Vill. Opila, Kriva Palanka

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